
GLOW: Grammar Lessons On the Web

For the exclusive use of employees of the U.S. Department of State--by Tillyer Associates

GLOW Answers

Practice #2 Indirect Speech - answers

Here are some statements by prominent people and ordinary people.

Example: Prime Minister I.M. Prestige said, "Our country has a responsibility to protect small countries."
Answer: Prime Minister Prestige said that his country had a responsibility to protect small countries.

1. Senator Speaks Formey said, "I want to be the president for all the people."

_Senator Formey said he wanted to be the president for all the people._

2. Mr. Ben Dubious of New York City said, "I don't trust any politicians."

_Mr. Ben Dubious of New York city said that he doesn't (didn't) trust any politicians._

3. Admiral Staie Affloat said, "The U.S. Navy is the most powerful navy in the history of the world.

_Admiral Affloat said that the U.S. Navy is (was) the most powerful navy in the history of the world._

4. Private Justin Littleguy said, "I want to do my duty in the Army and then get out as fast as I can."

_Private Littleguy said he wanted to do his duty in the Army and then (to) get out as fast as he could._

5. Secretary Rays Concerns told Time Magazine, "We are closely watching troop movements along the border of the two nations."

_Secretary Concerns told Time Magazine that they were closely watching the troop movements along the border of the two nations._

6. The CEO of Macrosoft said, "My company has changed the course of technology and made life better for everyone in the world."

_The CEO of Macrosoft said that his company had changed the course of technology and made life better for everyone in the world._

7. Rep. Cutem Downey said, "This company has thwarted competition and destroyed many smaller companies."

_Rep. Downey said that this company had thwarted competition and destroyed many smaller companies._

8. Mr. Joe User told me, "I hate this computer software, but I'm really dependent on it."

_Joe User told me that he hated this computer software, but that he was really dependent on it._

9. The leader of the rebel movement told a press conference, "All the people in our country are behind us."

_The leader of the rebel movement told a press conference that all the people in their country were behind them._

10. The president of the country said, "The rebel group is a blood-thirsty band that is gathering strength through vicious threats."

_The president of the country said the rebel group was a bloodthirsty band that was gathering strength through vicious threats._

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