GLOW: Grammar Lessons On the Web
For the exclusive use of employees of the U.S. Department of State--by Tillyer Associates

Glow Answers

Practice #2 Prepositions: by and until

Insert by or until to complete the sentences below.

1.  I didn't know about the new system _until_ today. I just got an email message about it.

2. If the applicants don't get their documentation in _by_ the close of business today, we won't
    accept their applications.

3. All of the guests had left _by_ midnight.

4. Most people didn't leave _until_ 11:30.

5. We don't want to make a decision about the fall schedule _until_ we find out when the local
    schools start.

6. We should know about that _by_ the end of the week.

7. I'm very lazy. I don't get to the office _until_ about 10:30 each morning.

8. My coworkers are all there _by_ 8:30 and sometimes I'm embarrassed by that.

9. I make up for my lateness by staying at the office _until_ around 8 or 9 p.m.

10. I always get home _by_ 9:30 so that I can have dinner with my wife.

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İTillyer Associates